Sunday, June 10, 2007

Guild Whiners Get the Boot?

If you have played an MMORPG, chances that you have been in a guild are pretty high. And we've experienced the goodness and downright ugliness when an individual(s) in the guild becomes disruptive because they felt that they were mistreated for personal reason(s). I came across this blog where a guildmaster of this particular World of Warcraft guild had a former member who became disruptive and eventually sabotaged other members within the guild as an act of revenge. The combination of immaturity and rudeness behavior is one thing that shouldn't be tolerated. In my opinion, the guildmaster and the officers of the guild did the right thing. But I believe they should've given the disruptive member the boot a long time ago! I am quite sure that your guild or the guild(s) that you've been in had a similar situation like this before. I know I have. You can read the entirety of the guildmaster's blog here,

A Major Issue In the Guild

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