Sunday, June 24, 2007

Top 15 Banned Video Games

15. NARC was banned in 2005 in Australia. Why? In the game players are given the freedom to either play it straight or use the drugs they seize, with the drugs acting as ‘power-ups’ for the game characters. Using marijuana for example, slows down time, while taking LSD makes identifying criminals easier as they appear with devil heads. As a result the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) refused classification (RC) on the game.

14. 50 Cent: Bulletproof was banned in 2005 in Australia. Why? The Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) said they were turned off by the arcade mode’s slow motion counter-kills methods. To quote: “The counter kills are enacted in detail, they are prolonged and take place in close up and slow motion. The most impactful of the counter kills involve knives and on-screen blood splatter. The Review Board determined that the impact of this mode was high and could not be accommodated at MA15+ classification. Therefore the game must be refused classification,” Maureen Shelley, convenor of the OFLC said. Truth is, this game should’ve been banned for sucking.

13. Wolfenstein 3D was banned in 1994 in Germany. Why? Germany has an extremely strict censorship on videogames, which results in enemies having green blood or ending up completely as robots. Because in this game the object is to kill Nazis (and thus it contains swastika flags or portraits of Adolf Hitler) it’s listed by German court alongside racist propaganda pieces and became forbidden.

You can view the complete list here List of the top 15 banned video games

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